Extension Services
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- Extension Services
Overview/Description of the Office
Higher education institutions are mandated to render extension service hand in hand with instruction, research and production. This is in recognition of the vital role that colleges and universities play in the development of communities especially the underserved and depressed.
Batangas State University, as a leading institution of higher learning, is committed to carry out its extension service function with the creation of the Office for Extension Services under the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable Programs, Project and Activities (PPAs) recognized not only in the province but also in the region. It is also intended that University can respond more adequately to the training needs of the communities, industries, public and private agencies/ organizations and the members of the academe.
Extension Service Philosophy
An extension service that promotes inclusive growth and empowers communities and other vulnerable sectors through research- and rights-based extension Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) in collaboration with government and non-government agencies, and private partners towards attainment of Sustainable Development Goals.
Extension Service and the BatStateU Strategic Plan 2019-2029
The Extension Services of the University is part of its Strategic Plan, particularly Pillar 3 on Social Relevance, to wit: “The University shall respond to problems in communities and industries through the development of relevant institutional programs, provision of expertise and quality services, and strategic partnerships and knowledge–based solutions to achieve a more sustainable future. In particular, the University shall take a proactive role in advancing the sustainable development strategies and educating the public on emerging and pressing social concerns.”
The Goal of Social Relevance as a Pillar of the Strategic Plan is to provide responsive sustainable solutions for social development through community partnerships. In order to attain this, the strategy identified is through intensifying research-based extension services programs focused on issues of national importance such as poverty, protection and preservation of natural resources, and disaster risk reduction and management.
Organizational Structure
Extension Agenda
The University’s Extension Services purposively acts to communicate, persuade and help specific sectors or target clienteles (as distinguished from those enrolled in formal degree programs and course offerings) to enable them to effectively improve production, community and/or institutions, and quality of life (CHED CMO No. 8, Series 2008) through its Extension agenda. The Extension Agenda intends to contribute to the attainment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and corresponds to the Programs implemented by the Office, namely:

The BISIG program includes projects, namely: Community Learning Exchange (CommLEx), Social Innovation Geared to the Protection and Advocacy for Water Shed Rehabilitation (SIGPAW) Project, BOOTCAMP: Youth Engagement Project towards Innovative Solutions among Communities, and Sulong ESO saMasiglangEkstensyon – Extension Related Webinar Activities.
CommLEx aims to be a platform for social concerns exchange between students, researchers, extensionists, field specialists, LGUs, and community members. The program also aims to produce innovative social solutions for the concerned communities The SIGPAW Project aims to improve the condition of watersheds for sustainability. The BOOTCAMP aims to promote participation in social innovation among out-of-school youths, and junior high school students – both to increase the awareness and engagement of the youth. Sulong ESO saMasiglangEkstenyon is a series of extension activities conducted via webinar to be able to implement PPAs in time of pandemic
CALUMPang-ugnayan: Strengthening the Advocacy Groups – Women And other Networks (SAGWAN) on Watershed Rehabilitation and Conservation
CALUMPangkamalayan: A Communication Campaign for Calumpang River Watershed Rehabilitation and Conservation

LEAF aims to identify potential extension programs for the livelihood and entrepreneurship for agri-fisheries. The objective of the program is to reduce poverty and inequality by generating employment and source of income among poor households and by moving highly vulnerable households into sustainable livelihoods and toward economic stability. The program addresses the zero poverty and decent work and economic growth as reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030.
Webinar topics includes:
- Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis (How entrepreneurs particularly in agri-fishery industry adapt and thrive in crisis situations)
- Business Webinar for Entrepreneurs
- Seminar/Webinar Introduction on SNAP Hydrophonics
- Training on Cultured Mushroom for Small Business Opportunity
Gulayan at KabuhayansaTubig (GUBAT) Seminar/Webinar Introduction on SNAP Hydroponics
Webinar – Training on Cultured Mushroom for Small Business Opportunity in the Midst of Pandemic

The program aims to preserve the biodiversity, increase the productive capacity of watershed rainforest towards sustainable resource-based for watershed communities through research-based and extension program, project and activities.
Projects and activities implemented include:
- Advocacy and community organizing
- Mangrove assessment and tree planting
- Waste management and coastal clean up
Plano at Ugnayan para saIlogCalumpang : A Strategic Planning Workshop for Bantay-IlogCalumpang River Movement Inc. TWG Members
PunlangBakawan para saKinabukasan: Pep Talk and Mangrove Planting Activity @ Brgy. Malitam, Batangas City
Participation in the International Coastal Clean Up

Development Activity on the Use of Geographic Information System

The program aims to design, develop, implement and evaluate/assess the research-based high impact community development services projects activities utilizing an approach that promotes nutrition-in-development through a local participative and integrated management system which addresses one of the Sustainable Development Goal pertaining to good health and well-being of the community.
Projects and activities implemented includes various training such as:
- Tour Guiding and Guests Handling
- Food Processing, Handling and Preparation
- Simple Accounting and Record keeping
- Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise: A Start-Up
- Financial Management and Food Safety Seminar-Workshop
- Facility and Operation Management Training-Workshop
Seminar Workshop on Simple Accounting and Record keeping
Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise: A Start-Up
Training Workshop on Meat Processing
Financial Management and Food Safety Seminar-Workshop
Virtual Training-Workshop for BatStateU BIDANI (Barangay
Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement) Coordinators

BangonBatangas: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for the Victims of Taal Volcano Eruption

Health and nutrition assessment to the evacuees in the University Gymnasium

BangonBatangas Relief Operations

The overall objective of the TVET Program is to provide the economy with qualified and competitive workers and to train citizens able to participate in sustainable growth and poverty reduction by ensuring training opportunities to all social groups without discrimination.
Projects and activities implemented includes:
- Basic Tour Guiding
- Candle making and proper packaging
- Training on Food Processing & Preservation
- Cosmetology such as haircutting and hot oil treatment
- Dishwashing Liquid making
- Dressmaking
- Livelihood skills and Entrepreneurial development
KumikitangKalabasa Livelihood Training on Squash-Based Products at Brgy. San Juan, Malvar, Batangas
CIKAT: Candle making for Women’s and 4Ps Member of Barangay Halang , Lipa City
Training on Haircutting and Hot Oil for Unemployed Women of Brgy. Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City
Empowering Women in the Community thru Training/Workshop on Livelihood Skills and Entrepreneurial Development at Brgy. Navotas, Balayan, Batangas

The program aims (1) to assist and support the faculty and students in creating avenues for technology transfer and commercialization of their research, (2) to build and enhance the technological capabilities of the faculty for more effective extension service through technology assessment, transfer, adoption, utilization and commercialization of research outputs, (3) to assist the education, community and industry sectors through technology advancement and innovation, (4) to facilitate the transfer of high impact research outputs for the utilization of the education, community and industrial sectors and (5).to ensure the quality of the research – based technologies in the services areas through assessment and monitoring.
Projects and activities implemented include:
- Design and Development of Technologies, Machines, and other related Prototypes
- Skills Training on Machine Operation
Technology Transfer and Skills Training of the developed Automated Whiteflies Control System for Office of the City Veterinary and Agricultural Services
Technology Transfer of the developed Electric Honey Extractor for Improved Production at F. Appiary Pure Raw Honey Farm at Brgy. Sto. Nino, Lipa City, Batangas
Technology Transfer an Skills Training of the Developed Diesel-Like Fuel Producing Machine From Co-Pyrolysis of Used Lubricant Oil and Mixed Plastic Waste at Brgy. San Jose, Sico, Batangas City

Specifically, the program aims to identify strategies to improve productivity of small and medium manufacturing enterprises, Local Government Units, SME’s and other GA and NGAs through technical inputs and capacity building, including support for stakeholder consultations. Outputs will include support for policy reforms and capacity building in the areas of business regulation, access to finance, and public-private partnership (PPP).
Projects and activities implemented includes:
- Capability and Expertise Utilization
- Career Development and Life Coaching
- Financial Systems and Control
- Human Resource Utilization
- Machine and Equipment Utilization
- Safety and housekeeping Practices
Workshop in Computer Literacy Training for Provincial Human Resource Management Office (PHRMO) for personnel of Batangas Provincial Capitol
PMMA and PNPA Admission Examination Review for the Qualified Examinees in Taysan, Batangas
Basic Computer Error Configuration Training Workshop: ICT Integration Program to faculty members of St. Blaise Community Academy
Mandatory Training for the Newly-Elected SangguniangKabataan Officials through Special Election and appointed Secretary and Treasurer of Tanauan, Batangas
SSF Summit 2019: Cultivating Shared Success for Filipino MSMEs for Individual entrepreneurs under Shared Service Facilitates
Webinar topics includes:
- Seminar-Workshop on Basic Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Technology in Enhancing Education: Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Use of Online Resources
- Technology in Enhancing Education: ICT-Based Assessment
- Technology in Enhancing Education: Flexible Learning
- Personal Financial Planning
- Strategies for Literature Teaching in the New Normal
- A Seminar on Digital Marketing
- Sustaining Mental Health
- Webinars on Nutrition, Good Health and Well-being
- Digital Parenting
- Strategic Online Business Management System
- Virtual Seminar-Workshop on Campus Journalism
Virtual Seminar: We Listen, We Cope with Stress
Project Starlite (Smart Teaching and Resources for Literature): Strategies for Literature Teaching in the New Normal
Sustaining Mental Health: A Guide for Teenage Psychosocial Support for Parents

PESODEV aims to provide livelihood, gender and development, responsible parenting and socio-cultural trainings and activities for parents to make them active members of the communities they belong including the University system.
“Healthy Eating for Kids” – Seminar Workshop on Child Nutrition
Parent Engagement: Strategies for Involving the Parents in Mental Health Care, Learner’s Support System and Role in Students Media Literacy and Netiquette
GAD program aims to: (1.) Mainstream GAD in curriculum research and extension (2.) Institutionalize gender responsive mechanisms in the university (3.) Develop and recognize gender responsive members of the academic community and external stakeholders (4.) Establish sustainable partnerships with external stakeholders and technical experts, and foster cooperation in the planning, development implementation, monitoring and evaluation of GAD PPAs (5.) Construct/upgrade facilities, which would address Gender concerns of stakeholders
Information Campaign to End VAW
- Women’s Month Celebration
- Gender Based Violence Information Campaigns in Barangays
- GAD Orientation/Gender Sensitivity Trainings
- Training on Anti- Sexual Harassment Act
- Awareness and Capability Building Activities on Maternal and Child-Health
- Awareness and Capability Building Activities on Adolescent Reproductive Health
- Awareness Activity on HIV/AIDS
- Livelihood-Related Activities
- Gender sensitive Seminars and Trainings for Overseas Filipino Families
- Establishment of mechanism to involve men in addressing gender issues
- Gender mainstreaming in instruction, research and extension
- Printing and Publication of GAD newsletter
- Purchase of reference books/ Publications for the Library and GAD Resource Center
- GAD advocacy/IEC Materials
- GAD Capability Building Activities
- Partnerships with External Agencies and Institutions
- Strengthening of GFPS or Similar GAD Mechanism
A Webinar on Nutrition for Pregnant and Lactating Women at Times of COVID 19
SeguridadsaPagkainPaanoTitiyakin: A Webinar on Ways in Ensuring Food Security at Home
Training Workshop on Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines
Gender Neutral Management in the Workplace
Regional Webinar Series on Gender Mainstreaming in Research and Extension

The program aims to promote a safe and secured environment for people and communities. Specifically, the program aims to increase awareness of people on DRRM and DPR/CCA, to increase safety and preparedness of the community members, to understand the proper response movement and evacuation in an emergency, to ensure the health and safety of the people during calamities and disasters and to train volunteers to respond to the needs of people and communities.
Project and activities implemented includes:
- Information and Communication Campaign
- Fire and Earthquake drill
- Safety Services and Emergency Response
- Basic Life Support and First Aid Training
- Incident command system
Basic Life Support and First Aid Training at BatStateU JPLPC, Malvar, Batangas
Fire Exit Drill at BatStateU ARASOF, Nasugbu, Batangas
Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Orientation and Basic Incident Command System Training-Seminar at Sto. Niño National High School, Sto. Niño, Batangas City.
Other Projects Implemented
Generally the program aims to conduct a Virtual Capacity Building Program for Faculty Members of State Universities in Calabarzon Region on ICT tools towards migration to Online Teaching and Learning
Projects and activities for implementation includes:
- Program Pitch with Heads of the Agency
- Needs assessment survey
- Navigating through Various Learning Management Systems
- GSuite Applications for Instruction, Research and Extension
- Project Management Training using Trello and Workplace
- Training on Matlab
- Specialized Training on Developing multi-media materials using free ICT Tools
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